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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thorndon Residents' Association AGM 2014

Tuesday 13 May, 7-9PM (refreshments from 6.30PM)
Kingsgate Hotel
Hawkestone St

Notice of motions that the Thorndon Residents' Association modify the constitution by special resolution of the members as follows:

To amend Clause 5.7 to Read.

5.7  Quorum: The quorum for a Committee meeting is to be at least half of the elected or co-opted committee members

To amend Clause 7.4 to read.

7.4 Audit: The Association shall not be required to be audited. The committee shall be required to appoint a non-executive member, or failing that a non-member, to perform a review if requested in writing by any member. The Committee may require an audit if they vote to do so by ordinary resolution.

Explanations of the proposed changes

Clause 5.7 currently requires six members for a quorum. The new rule will allow a majority of the committee if present to act.  So for a committee of seven it would require four to be present.

Clause 7.4 currently requires a full audit. This amendment removes that requirement. There is an ability to request a review if a member asks to do so. Any such review will be by a non-committee member. This review is not a full audit.
The Committee can resolve to have a full audit if this makes sense to them. A possible reason for this is a requirement by a donor. 

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