Planning for a farmers’ market is well underway and set to open in Hill St Thorndon. The group operating the market has secured 18 stallholders (although anticipating having between 20-30 by open day); aiming to open on Saturday 28 November 2009.
The market will be held each Saturday morning from 9am-1pm all year around and will be an authentic farmers’ market e.g. at least 80% local product from within 350km of Thorndon.
Working bee ... the more the merrier.
The group would love some help in a community working bee on 31 October 2009 to paint old doors (will turn into tables) and sew bunting from coffee sacks and old scraps of material.
If you have any old tables, chairs or foldable trestles or scrap material you might be willing to donate, please do let Jo know. Very keen to refurbish and reinvent old furniture for seating.
Jo Freeman
M 021 440 487 P (04) 4722363 E
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